Communications takes home six awards

The Communications Division won six TAMI Awards in June. Communications Team members (from left): Top: Scot Wilkinson, Will Hampton, Kim Chapius. Middle: Courtney Nielson, Mike Heard, Julie Chapa. Front: Brian Ligon, Kristin Brown and Shannon McIntire.

The City’s Communications Division won four first place TAMI Awards, one second and one third at the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) conference in June in Richardson. The first place awards were for: […]

Library, Communications receive Innovations Award

The Innovations Team presented the Innovations Award to staff members from the Library and Communications for the Summer Readers Bonanza. Pictured: Chris Sauder, Kristin Brown, Linda Sappenfield and Brian Ligon.

The Innovations Team presented the Innovations Award to staff members from the Library and Communications for the Library’s Summer Readers Bonanza, a promotional campaign for the Adult Summer Reading Program. The Summer Readers Bonanza featured […]